Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) approach relates to practitioners across all services. Through this approach everyone works together to ensure that childrenand young people reach their full potential.
At Happy Days Nursery we use the GIRFEC approach to promotes a shared accountability for every child. Through this approach we aim to achieve the following outcomes:
Within our nursery we follow the Curriculum for Excellence, which aims to provide a coherent, flexible and enriched curriculum from 3 to 18 years of age. The curriculum relates to the experiences which are planned for children through their learning and aims to ensure that all children develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in life, learning and work. We strive to develop the children with a focus on four key capacities, which are:
The children’s experiences and related outcomes are an essential component of the curriculum. At Happy Days Nursery we actively plan learning experiences and we acknowledge the importance of depth and progression of learning. We embrace our responsibility in every child’s learning and aim to complement their learning and development within other environments (e.g. within their home setting, during extra-curricular activities etc.). The experiences and associated outcomes gained within our setting are utilised to assess each child’s learning progress and to plan their individual next steps. This process is achieved via the detailed observations developed by our diligent staff members.
At Happy Days Nursery we follow the Pre-birth to three framework for our babies and youngest children. We acknowledge that the early years of a child’s life are crucial in developing and preparing a child for their future capacity for learning. This includes a child’s skills for learning, life and work. The staff team at Happy Days Nursery understand ant that an effective partnership with parents/carers/third parties is crucial in the development of every child.
Our team, promote confidence, give babies time to ‘think’ as well as ‘do’ and support children and families during the early years. The four capacities which form the Pre-birth to Three framework are as follows: